
 今日は 、13日の金曜日、この日は、どうして不吉なのだろう。


lesson 8 superstitions

 In this scientific world of ours there are still a number of superstitious beliefs, some of which often have a surprising effect on our everyday life.

 Take Friday the thirteenth ,for instance. Whenever it comes around , all sorts of unusual things happen. It is reported in America that store owners lose about two hundred and fifty million dollars (250×百万=二億五千万ドル=約二〇億円)in sales, because so many people fear that what they buy on Friday the thirteenth will prove unlucky. Others refuse to travel on that day, and it is said that the late(
故) Sir Winston Churcill (イギリスの政治家、著述家、ノーベル文学賞)was of the same mind. There are some farmers who believe that if they plant on Friday the thirteenth their crops will surely fail.

Actually, the origin of Friday as an omen(前兆) of bad luck probably springs from(から発する) such tragic stories in the Bible as the fall (楽園喪失)of Adam and Eve, the great flood , the confusion at Babel (バベルの塔を建てようとして生じたと言われることばの混乱)and the death of Christ, all of which , they say, happened on Friday. The Bible also links "thirteen " to tragic occasions. There were thirteen men , for instance , at the Last Supper(キリストの最後の晩餐).

Another popular superstition , also dating back many years , concerns a black cat that crosses our path.In the Middle Ages(中世), when people were less scientific than today, the devil was believed to walk on the earth disguised as a black cat.
And so , if a black cat crosses our path , the devil is entering our lives, bringing bad luck.(我々の生活に入ってきている、すなわち、悪運を持ち込んできている)
In ancient Egypt , however, the cat was honored as a sacred animal.Anyone who killed a cat was put to death(死刑にされた).
Similarly, elepants are even now considered sacred in Siam(シャム、タイ) and Burmaビルマミャンマー), and snakes are worshiped in many parts of Africa.

The unluckiness of walking under a ladder has a practical basis , for there is certainly more opportunity of something dropping on us when we are under a ladder than when we are not. However , this superstition had its beginning with the early Christians(早期キリスト教徒から始まった), to whom a triangle meant the Trinity(三位一体) and hence something saced.
Anyone thoughtlessly walking through the triangle beneath a ladder was thought to be intruding on(立ち入る) a sacred spot.

 Superstitions are all unreasonable from the scientific point of view.
But in spite of their unreasonableness , they will probably continue to exist as long as human beings exist.

同じように 、象は、タイやミャンマーでは、神聖なものと考えられています。